Monday, February 1, 2010

Merlin’s Crystal Ball

Merlin’s Crystal Ball
When Saint Germain lived as Merlin, he rediscovered a tool we today call the Crystal Ball. This tool has many uses. We will use this tool to experience ourselves within our past and future lives.
What if you could, without experiencing the emotions, observe the exact moments in each lifetime when the threads of disharmony were created?
What if you could then alter that experience by substituting a different possibility, a possibility that demonstrates a more masterful choice?
The Crystal Ball gives you an opportunity to free yourself from these old unconscious thought patterns and “threads” of discontent, which have accumulated within the DNA coding from lifetime to lifetime. These patterns have created the thoughts and beliefs which lock you into the limitations of today’s third dimension.
In addition, you will have a delightful opportunity to step into and experience your most joyful and successful moments throughout all lifetimes. You will experience the experience, and feel the feelings. You will then return with those feelings, skills and knowledge to experience and live them in this NOW - this present moment. You can access your highest qualities and mastered skills, developed in other lives, and integrate them as conscious choices in this NOW experience.
Infinite Intelligence is the Breath.
As you continue to master the circular breath and experience the deeper connection with the Prana, the structures of the third dimension are weakened. You will go deeper into the Higher Mind and merge with the Soul. You will begin to experience a new quietness, focus and detachment. You will experience a new sense of inquisitiveness without asking a question. You will begin to think with the heart and act through the Higher Mind.
A very interesting opportunity now becomes available to you within the Higher Mind. Because everything is available to you in Simultaneous Time, awareness and understanding begin to replace thinking. You begin to discover that the answers to the questions are found exactly where the question is asked.
You have your answer to the question before any action is required.

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