Thursday, July 12, 2012

July. Calendar 2012 "Transformations". Galina Filatova

July of this year is a month of transformation and emotion. It may be one of the most difficult months for humanity. Following the opening of the doors to the Universal Library in June, a deepening of your sensations, and a better understating of your higher self, there will come a recognition of the feebleness of those sensations which we used to navigate our paths in life. Fear, hurt, doubt, irritability, loneliness, and feelings of being misunderstood – these are the emotions that we previously used to built a model life and learn important life lessons. We lived like this, because it seemed to be the only way. But there was always a feeling of being something more than organisms enslaved by our negative emotions. Finally we have seen the light and felt the love all around us and inside us. There is no desire to turn back.July’s events may cause a sharpening of our emotions. But it is through these sharpened senses and a decidedly calm attitude toward what’s happening that we will be able to free ourselves fully of difficult/negative emotions. The Earth is also cleansing itself. This process is not completed and will only increase in intensity. These cleansing processes will pass through fire, water, and wind.

The picture: connect to the center of the painting. Go inside the sphere. Feel the quiet and joyous calm. Here, you connect to your inner ‘I’ of higher dimensions. Stay in this calm emotional state and visualize your worries, fears, and anything that makes you unhappy rising higher, toward the top of the sphere. These negative emotions rise, evaporate, and disappear effortlessly. 

The Archangels of Light are helping you in this process. Feel their presence and love. Connect with them by asking for their support. Open your heart to your inner divine ‘I’. 

With Love,

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